## To Reproduce
Step by step instructions to reproduce the behavior:
1. Add a new rich text widget
2. Select a custom `` style or create one using the Markdown shortcut ```
3. Press ⇧ + ⏎
4. …
## To Reproduce
Imaginary oembed gallery widget:
module.exports = {
extend: '@apostrophecms/widget-type',
options: {
label: 'Video gallery',
icon: 'video-icon'
Otherwise the UI looks incomplete
When trying to add htmlHelp text to a field and when workflow is installed, no help text is output in the admin when using the `htmlHelp` option.
name: 'myField',
label: 'Label',
Even though it isn't recommended to run ApostropheCMS on Windows, I've found a small bug which is worth opening a PR for.
## To Reproduce
Step by step instructions to reproduce the behavior:
Parser doesn't check if value after starting tag is a valid HTML tag or not. Parser should check if it's a valid HTML tag only then remove everything after starting tag if no closing tag found.
## To Reproduce
1. Create a custom piece-type
2. Set the following module options:
editRole: 'contributor',
publishRole: 'contributor',
3. Contributors will not be a…
Hi, this is probably a newbie question, but Im struggling to see how to set the
s3ForcePathStyle option in s3.js / uploadfs to get apostrophe-attachments to use {endpoint}/{bucket} format rather than…
Some XSS prevention rules mentioned at https://www.owasp.org/index.php/XSS_(Cross_Site_Scripting)_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet ( archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20181129114024/https://www.owasp.org/in…
The project that i support is currently running apostrophe 2.111.3. I was trying to integrate apostrophe-elasticsearch version 2.1.3. I installed elasticsearch via a docker image that i was running lo…