When trying to generate JWT (method generateJwtToken), during authentication, it throws the following error:
at line:
var token = tokenHandler.CreateToken(tokenDescriptor);
error details:
# Asp.net MVC: 連線資料庫、簡單實作 CRUD | 伊果的沒人看筆記本
在 Asp.net MVC 框架,以不使用 EF 連線產生 Edmx 的方式實作一個 MVC 架構,具資料庫基本操作功能(CRUD=新增修改刪除查詢)的網站,其中包含連線至資料庫的 model、對其進行調用的 controller 以及顯示的 view
Working on this:
When it occurs an error on the server, the client should be informed about the error with some friendly message. Error handling function should be implemented.
Example: [http://demos.telerik.com/asp…
We have had a few issues filed around the `.cshtml` editor accepting non-void HTML elements without a separate end tag e.g. `` versus `` (see aspnet/Mvc#4058) or `` versus `` (see aspnet/Mvc#3964). Th…
**Got Win32Exception while creating pdf from aspnet core mvc application. I am targeting .Net core 2.1 framework on Win 10 64 bit OS. Following is the stacktrace from exception.**
...in place of MSBuild. See, for example, https://github.com/aspnet/Mvc/blob/dev/build.sh
dodyg updated
6 years ago