#### Issue
The new API is brilliant! However, it so far lacks the authorization code grant type workflow. The depreciated v4 API following the oauth1 workflow allowed for a basic user authentificatio…
1. 実現したいこと
2. 実現するために自分が選んだ手段とその理由
On **dev** branch there is a bug with implicit flow which has been added recently.
Actually when I create model with _implicit_ value only into grants property I've got error:
The OAuth spec calls out confidential and public client types:
For public client types, a client_secret may not exist. Presently the processAutho…
**This OAuth2 Server is completely awesome.** Thanks to bshaffer and the community!
Need some advice...
I am sure this question has been asked / answered (a million times). Unfortunately, I can'…
![CleanShot 2024-09-05 at 10 27 51](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/eb83133e-89f9-40bc-9b4e-4a26e4a89c2b)
## Overview
`StorageBrowser` for Amazon S3 is an open source [Amplify UI Re…
In POST /token?grant_type=authorization_code make redirect_uri a required param. Also check whether it matches the redirect_uri sent with the GET /authorize.
1. When receive authorize request -> sa…
See https://github.com/SebastianWolf-SAP/cloud-authorization-buildpack/blob/44e6d74bf3d9e40699fb8e9d84ebd54cc5e19d61/.reuse/dep5#L5
> Disclaimer: The code in this project may include calls to APIs …
It seems it's fully optional right now:
### Summary
Here is a list of OAuth2 Compliance Improvements:
1. .well-known/openid-configuration
2. .well-known/jwks.json
3. openid scope
4. nickname username without the @ part
### Moti…