Would it be safe to use babel to transform untrusted code before using the sandbox, or is would that open up opportunity for an attack?
# 🐛 bug report
import macro from "./macro.js" with { type: "macro" };
Fails if I have any custom Babel configurations defined. I'm enabling a few plugins.
I get the fol…
getting the following warning when building
Sass @import rules are deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 3.0.0.
More info and automated migrator: https://sass-lang.com/d/import
4 | @…
When building my meteor3 app with:
`meteor build /tmp/meteor_build --architecture os.linux.x86_64 --server-only --directory`
I get the following error:
Errors prevented bundling…
# Babel로 ES6를 ES5로 컴파일하면 어떻게 될까? | pxd XE Group
서로 다른 스코프를 갖는 var 키워드와 let, const 키워드를 babel은 어떻게 컴파일해주는지 확인해봅니다.
$ npm install @babel/core @babel/cli @babel/preset-env
パース => 変換 => ファイル生成
babel 的转译过程也分为三个阶段,这三步具体是:
解析 Parse: 将代码解析生成抽象语法树( 即AST ),即词法分析与语法分析的过程
转换 Transform: 对于 AST 进行变换一系列的操作,babel 接受得到 AST 并通过 babel-traverse 对其进行遍历,在此过程中进行添加、更新及移除等操作
生成 Generate: 将变换后的 AST 再转换为 JS …
# Summary
After I install `next-plugin-preact` with `yarn` (berry version), I get dependency not found warnings in yarn log.
Respectively peerDeependencies:
- `next` and `webpack` are of `@pref…