[27.07.2023 11:54:43] jasiu-rozowyczlowiek:
- [x] I have marked all applicable categories:
+ [ ] exception-raising bug
+ [ ] RL algorithm bug
+ [ ] documentation request (i.e. "X is missing from the documentation.")
+ [ ] ne…
[27.07.2023 12:17:50] jasiu-rozowyczlowiek
[View full output](http://npuci.mooo.com:8080/job/nnfw/job/master/job/push-nnpackage-test/1889/display/redirect)
The support emails in Torus currently don't collect the same metadata as those in legacy. The most important to include in the short term is:
* user name
* user email
* user ID
* role
* enrollmen…
*Describe your issue here.*
### Environment
* Elixir Version: 1.12.3
* Erlang Version: 24
* BlockScout Version:
* User Agent: Chrome/101.0.4951.64 and postman
API palm explorer to verify…
[24.08.2023 12:09:22] jasiu-rozowyczlowiek:
[24.08.2023 12:09:22] jasiu-rozowyczlowiek
is this?
i_loss = F.nll_loss(imt, action.reshape(-1))
I am about introducing event hook after op execution.
I need to revisit the related code.
The event I am interested in is different from those available. (TracingObserver, ProfileObserver, ...)