If I read correctly the README, the USX files were obtained by converting USFM sources.
I am not sure, but if so, then it seems that there are some unfortunate discrepancies.
Let me take an exampl…
데이터 정보보단 서비스 이해하는데 도움이 될 자료들 첨부합니다
package cases.enums;
public enum JavaEnum {
A {
public void publicAbstractMethod() {
protected void protectedAbstractM…
See https://github.com/Kotlin/binary-compatibility-validator/pull/227 this would allow that one can specify a folder outside the project folder but still within the rootProject dir.
Say you have a…
Modelisation et implementation d'une interface pour lancer une rumeur.
alkaj updated
6 years ago
When I drive mouse over footnotes in this verse (original OSIS XML):
Kdyžsrv. 6,30—44; //Mt 15,32—39 tam
byl v těch dnech opět veliký zástup a neměli co jíst, zavolal si
učedníky a řekl jim…
mcepl updated
2 years ago
When I use any of the decompilers (fernflower, cfr, etc.) it produces ONE .java file despite there being many $*.class files (mostly annonymous classes).
With Bytecode-Viewer I get a 1:1 mapping. F…
# Todo
# Modules to migrate
Missing module? Check https://github.com/OCA/maintainer-tools/wiki/%5BFAQ%5D-Missing-modules-in-…
thank you for the development of Splatter, it's been very exciting exploring your package so far.
I have been using Splatter to simulate data of one group with varying heterogeneity. To set …