I'm having the same issue as all the closed reconnecting-websocket problems, and in https://github.com/ViewBlock/binance-api-node/issues/621 it was mentioned to pass options. I investigated an…
Hi, can someone help figuring out the following?
I've tried to place some orders with the following functions I wrote. These are just simple functions to see if `node-binance-api` gives the result …
### System information
- **Have I written custom code (as opposed to using zenbot vanilla)**: vanilla
- **OS Platform and Distribution (e.g., Linux Ubuntu 16.04)**: Ubuntu 17.10
- **Zenbot version*…
- OS: `MacOS`
- Programming Language version: `Node v16.3.0`
- CCXT version: `1.79.5`, CCXT.Pro version: `1.0.67`
Similar to #12817 (Kraken)? This issue is about Binance.
const ccxt = req…
I am getting the following error.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at Object.roundTicks (/backend/node_modules/node-binance-api/node-binance-api.js:1…
I tried to run
myth analyze -a 0x13b852e276f10281C72ccF33EdF81d81DD198Aae --rpc bsc-dataseed1.defibit.io:443
Assuming https://docs.binance.org/smart-chain/developer/rpc.html provide the custom RP…
Hi, I'm daniel.
Wonderful project you've got here, its just perfect!
One little problem though, when i listen for Binance trades, i get them come in. But on switching that to Gateio or any other …
Hello everyone, I've been using `node-binance-api` API for a long time.
On the spot market, i've been placing a base order and susequently placing an OCO order for my take profit & stop loss.
When the API goes down for some reason the bot seems to lose the cached orders and is unable to cancel it when the signal just changed:
2017-12-16 12:27:01 - order status: open
2017-12-16 12:…
I have been receiving this error:
balance 400 Bad Request {"code":-1100,"msg":"Illegal characters found in parameter 'timestamp'; legal range is '^[0-9]{1,20}$'."}
Looking through node-binance-api…