Version of Boardwalk: 1.1(9)
Version of Android: 6.0.1
Device model: Nexus 6
Description of the problem: Can log in without problems but the app crashes as soon as i hit play.
Version of Boardwalk:2.0
Version of Android:4.1
Device model:Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini GT I18190
Description of the problem:
Version of Boardwalk: 1.1
Version of Android:4.1.1
Device model:1.7.2
Description of the problem: login problem
I keep trying to install Boardwalk but keep getting stuck on this part (it.unimi.dsi:fastutill:7.1.0) any suggestion?
Version of Boardwalk: 1.0.5
Version of Android: 4.4.4
Device model: moto g
Description of the problem: java.lang.NullPointerException
Version of Boardwalk:. 1.2
Version of Android: 7.0
Device model:Huawei p9 lite (HUAWEI VNS-L31)
Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/fsct53
Version of Boardwalk1.0.6:
Version of Android:4.1.1
Device model:Prestigio PMP3970B Duo
Description of the problem:Dex error 11. If you restore the application data in version 1.0.5 through Titaniu…
HighchartsSt used to be cross platform, functioning equally on GemStone and Pharo. Since the move to github it seems like that hasn't been maintained.
Can anyone give me an overview of how Boardwal…
Version of Boardwalk:1.0.6
Version of Android:7.0
Device model:Samsung Galaxy tab 2
Description of the problem:Crashes when starts
Version of boardwalk : 1.2
Version of android : 6.0.1
Device model : oppo f1
Description of the problem : zero GPU usage with unbearable lag