Thanks for your share.I meet a problem when I try to convert the weights to caffemodel.
python convert_weights_to_caffemodel.py yolo.prototxt yolo.weights yolo.caffemodel
the yolo.prototxt is provid…
## 环境
docker pull paddlepaddle/paddle:2.0.0-gpu-cuda10.0-cudnn7
/ paddle --version
/usr/local/python2.7.15/lib/python2.7/site-packages/OpenSSL/crypto.py:14: CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Pyt…
Hi, I use the tool to convert yolov5s.onnx, failed!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "convertCaffe.py", line 159, in
convertToCaffe(graph, prototxt_path, caffemodel_path, exis_focus=T…
Hi all, I have a question to discuss with anyone who is interested in mobile applications. I have trained a caffemodel and the result is good(~35FPS) when I test it with my desktop, which is equipped …
I have tested your yolov3 caffemodel successfully by modifying your detecting code a little. Change the
type int into float, as fllows:
new_w = int(img_w * min(w * 1.0 /img_w, h * 1.0 /img_h))
vvmex updated
5 years ago
Hi, @chuanqi305
please tell me How to make squeezenet_iter_74000.caffemodel.
I used https://github.com/chuanqi305/SqueezeNet-SSD/blob/master/solver_train.prototxt
and got squeezenet_iter_220000.caf…
Thanks for your great works! I mean a problem, It is success when i convert yolov3.weights to caffemodel by github https://github.com/marvis/pytorch-caffe-darknet-convert, but it isn't work w…
在使用生成的onnx文件转caffemodel过程中,出现错误:ImportError: No module named MyCaffe,请问这个模块在哪里定义的?另外,这里的caffe版本是caffe1还是caffe2?