It complains about libgeos and goes into segfault
To reproduce:
pip install http://ftp.openquake.org/wheelhouse/macos/py35/Shapely-1.6.4.post1-cp35-cp35m-macosx_10_9_intel.macosx_10_9_x…
## ✨ Feature Request
Reference #125
Support the `min_latitude` and `max_latitude` kwargs for the [cartopy.crs.Mercator](https://scitools.org.uk/cartopy/docs/v0.15/crs/projections.html#mercator)…
When one tries to follow the tips within the tutorial `Making_Maps_with_Cartopy.ipynb` for fixing the map polewards of 65 degrees latitude for 1 degree model output it fails miserably.
Here is a co…
Another solution to that might be to have a flag on the feature that says "these are edges" and override `set_color` to only set the edgecolor in that case. This would make us more consistent with [L…
I can think of a lot of uses for a native-Julia reprojection/warping functionality (e.g. lazy warp etc). I think we have most of the tools from ImageTransformations and Interpolations as well.
Is …
Also, we should include a blue marble example in the map tutorial.
On Debian 12 GNOME with `sudo apt install pyzo`.
In `gnome-terminal`:
pip install cartopy
Thanks for this package! Having been helped massively by @choldgraf to get cartopy using sphinx-gallery, we have been able to delete complex sphinx code and replace it with a very simple configuration…
Just to remind us to unpin cartopy once problem is fixed within iris.
- https://github.com/ESMValGroup/ESMValTool/issues/3767
- https://github.com/SciTools/iris/issues/5977
- https://github.…
Does anybody have a python plotting routine that produces nice Arctic projections from CCSM POP2 model output, e.g., with cartopy's NorthPolarStereo or Orthographic projections?
My first attempt w…