Just was curious to know what is the minimum required OpenCL Version, so that I can see if I could run on run on Vivante GC2000 GPU?
I've build the caffe libray using following configuration:
I found wiki about AutoGEMM but still not clarified. Have any guide or readme (Found a blank `readme` file below `src/library/blas/AutoGemm`)
I'm working on porting clBLAS on my company's accelerator. Our OpenCL library only support maximum
16 work-items per work group. So I fall in the unimplemented case in the kernel generator (so…
This is just a question that I couldn't send directly to the clMathLibraries group that I think could be relevant to clBLAS users. I can see the clMAGMA source [here](http://icl.cs.utk.edu/magma/sof…
I am currently trying to implement a backend for clBLAS version 2.10. my development system only has a cpu implementation of opencl, unfortunately clblasSgemm fails, even in the example code.
Maybe this is already a thing that I'm overlooking.
Would be nice to get a list of the libraries loaded since they can be loaded at runtime. For instance, what BLAS library is in use.
On recent GPU devices the matrix vector multiplication in adda is as fast as
the preparation of the next argument vector within the iterative solver
(currently done by the CPU). Therefore the it…
I'm using rx 560 16CU 4GB/gfx803
I run into performance issue when working with matrices of this specific size M=4096, N=4096, K=16, if I modify N to 4097 or 4095 performance is changed dramaticall…
I am sorry that I have to open this but both in the opencl github branch and the google forums dont have any kind (updated) step by step installation instructions for installing Caffe Opencl on Intel …