## 编译环境
编译的系统:macOS 10.11.6
TeX 发行版:TeX Live 2019
模板类型: master
## 描述问题
In mode.js, the defaults (in particular the root) are set after checking the regex stuff on `root`. So just calling ~~`scribble.modes()`~~ `scribble.mode()` throws an error at line 16 because you assu…
/Users/EngThesis.tex:37: Undefined control sequence. []
%!TEX program = xelatex
I would like to add few more properties on keys vocabulary.
I am speaking about the tonic and the 'mode' as is done in the [Music Ontology keys vocabulary](http://purl.org/NET/c4dm/keys.owl), with …
are modes implemented (o can they) in any way?
From a computing point it could simply be a circular shift of a scale notes array, possibly having a name (but not necessarily, for the library pu…
In the [keys vocabulary](https://github.com/DOREMUS-ANR/knowledge-base/blob/master/vocabularies/key.ttl), we have records in this format
``` turtle
a skos:Concept ;
skos:prefLabel "Do majeur"@fr…
LM is based on Ubuntu LTS package base.
ghost updated
9 years ago
Firstly, this is how I _expected_ `TeoriaNote#solfege` to work:
``` javascript
s = teoria.scale("c", "major");
teoria.note("a#3").solfege(s); //returns "li"
teoria.note("a#4").solfege(s); //returns "…