TechStack- react , typescript , hooks , react context.
I am working under codepeak'23
Adding a feedback page on this website would be great for reviews from customers. I would be contributing under Codepeak 23.
@Anupkjha2601 please assign this issue to me under codepeak'23
![404_ This page could not be found - Google Chrome 21-12-2023 01_12_49 PM](https://github.com/Aditya61101/Group-Study/assets/114663382/d62f2574-a75a-4a3e-837c-911981bf6c27)
**I am participat…
I would like to make a video chat application using web RTC please assign this issue to me under codepeak
@VishalIITP please assign this issue to me under codepeak'23.
@Adittya-Gupta please assign this issue to me under codepeak'23.
Write a Readme file to describe the application. Before writing the readme file, understand the code flow and use the application. This will give you a better context for the application when writing …
Add some color theme options to the secret page to enhance its appearance.
This project lacks about us section in the navbar. I will be adding an About section that will inform the users about the features of this project. I am contributing under Codepeak 23.