### Describe the request
We would like var SalesHeader added to the following event.
Codeunit 80 Sales Post - procedure PostUpdateReturnReceiptLine - Event OnAfterPostUpdateRetur…
Warning LC0015 "The application object Codeunit "Replenishment Locations W1 ELC" is not covered by any permission set in the extension." fires even when an object has been given InherentPermissions.
Hi, i have a error if i open a page or table or something and it opens only a TEMP 999999 Codeunit with a lookup of the Page/Table.
I become a error on the bottom left side with "Page XYZ: couldn´t f…
Hi Erik,
I've got the full version registered, and am trying to deploy the features I've built.
I am having issues with lookup fields, and it is hard for me to figure out which is my error and w…
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|Previous ID | SR-13175 |
|Radar | None |
|Original Reporter | @dduan …
app version isn't compatible with actual version of BC. Will there be an update?
We are trying to publish our extension to BC on-prem through power shell facing the errors like standard object are not exist. Can anyone please help me on what i am missing.
### Describe the request
We want to use the "OCR Data Correction" page to send to the OCR software new values of the fields filled in on this page, by using the "Send OCR Feedback" action. Cu…
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|Previous ID | SR-8919 |
|Radar | None |
|Original Reporter | @kevints …
### Describe the request
Please add the following Event/-s OnGetSalesInvoicePostingPolicy, OnAfterGetPurchaseInvoicePostingPolicy to Procedure GetSalesInvoicePostingPolicy, GetPurchaseInvoicePostingP…