We explain convolutional networks from several different angles: the theory, a video visualization, and an Excel demo. You’ll see how to use deep learning for structured/tabular data, such as time-ser…
In recent times, Machine Learning (ML) based algorithms have been able to achieve
very promising results on many pattern recognition tasks, such as speech, handwriting,
activity and gesture recogn…
## ESIP Member Organization
CSISS/LAITS, George Mason University
Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS) and Axiom Data Science
## Mentors
Ziheng Sun
Jesse Lopez
## Project Ideas
Ag-Net: building …
I downloaded Keras weight VGG16 (vgg16_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels.h5) from here: https://github.com/fchollet/deep-learning-models/releases/
The training is working, using this code:
Hello, I'm trying out sporco but am having a hard time with the documentation. There really should be better names, they're quite the headache to decode.
I'm trying to do dictionary learning on a f…
When I try to make `n_iter=20` or something small just to quickly try things, I get the following error:
Anybody know what causes this error in the current master commit?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jsevilla/miniconda3/envs/ctlear…
_From @CasperN on November 6, 2018 19:27_
Hello, I'm trying out sporco but am having a hard time with the documentation. There really should be better names, they're quite the headache to decode.
Hi @Arctice @mmckerns @craffel @ellliottt @ebenolson @byronyi and @eendebakpt
I'd like to submit hickle to the Journal of Open-source Software, http://joss.theoj.org/about. As you've all submit…
Hi @Kismuz
I need your help to clarify a few questions:
1. Currently, Unreal Stacked LSTM Strat 4_11 has better performance on actual FOREX prices than A3C Random, so just out of curiosity, I tried…