Post questions about the following fundamentals reading here:
Dawid, A. P., and Skene, A. M. 1979. [“Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Observer Error-rates using the EM Algorithm.”](https://www.jsto…
# Day4 ESL S/L -- Rosefinch | Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center
![](https://github.com/jsjoeio/oneblog-test/blob/master/img/704/1*Mal2UbDL3TY2VZzFoga--g.jpeg?raw=true "Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash")
# What is CNC2018?
CNC2018 stands for the [CodeNewbie Challe…
For the next report we need a list of people we want to interviews. Criteria for selection should be:
1. High impact in the ecosystem. Long time experience.
2. Developers or users of tools and assoc…
**IT engineer interview questions training - Sunday, 2019/11/10**
- **Topic:** IT engineer interview questions training
- **Content:**
+ Japanese IT companies' interviews
- **Information:**
## 스터디 방식
1. 준비 안해올 시 벌칙 2만원
2. 각자 챕터 읽고 + 참고문헌 골라서 읽기 -> 단, 참고 문헌 5개 이하 시, 이전 참고문헌 발표
3. Git issue에 Comment 남겨서 발표 주제 선점 -> 추후 발표자료는 해당 Comment 수정하여 넣기
We have built a content strategy map to organize the Backdropcms.org content strategy for the website and various communication channels such as newsletters.
We're looking for feedback on…
Other News Feed Applications:
**Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Pinterest, TikTok**
- - -
Discussion/Presentation Flow ( _R-E-A-D-M-E_ ):
## **-R-E- (Requirement and Estimate)** _5-10 mins_
**FRs - Prio…
## 跟着规范和MDN重学js
该系列知识来自 ECMAScript 2020 Language 规范以及 MDN JavaScript。
**注意:本系列主要是ECMAScript规范,而 `setTimeout/setInterval/atob` 等属于 HTML规范,看 WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope**