Deepin desktop compatibility, since it is a desktop that is beginning to be used a lot (deepin-file-manager)
Deepin Linux v23的正式版出来了,但vtoyboot不支持。
反倒是vtoyboot 1.0.30版本支持v23的beta2版。
### Package information | 软件包信息
包名 | 版本
-- | --
libextutils-autoinstall-perl | [0.64-2](https://github.com/deepin-community/libextutils-autoinstall-perl/commit/fb9b50037748fd1cb29f259929f98fef6bb6a1…
**Add suport to Deepin distribution**
**Steps to reproduce**
(include tooling version, platform, etc)
1. When I run: `curl -sL https://ibm.biz/idt-installer | bash`
2. Get the error:
this error cased NATIVE be NULL, so the voicePlayer didnt work:
> Error: node-loader:
> Error: /lib64/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by /.vscode/extensions/kaiyi.qwerty-learne…
elegance being the keyword ... Deepin is elegant !!!
I am not a coder(i am a Computer Science Graduate and an ex-banker), had i been one(a coder) probably you'd have `deepin-topbar` on the f…
### Package information | 软件包信息
包名 | 版本
-- | --
cpanminus | [1.7048-1](https://github.com/deepin-community/cpanminus/commit/e9771b0ba29049064700b47dd90b126ab32e268c)
libparse-pmfile-perl | [0.47-1](…