- Feature Idea
Add ability to limit fields in output for all get list requests (get projects list, get inventory list, get job te…
We introduced jsonschema validation in https://github.com/typeddjango/pytest-mypy-plugins/commit/e7e1a0f8a8c8055204073c15bbed2395796bb72d, but, it does not work for custom test plugin to `pytest-mypy-…
- Create a virtual environment -->`python -m venv env`
- put in command to activate the virtual envirmentt --> ` source env\Scripts\activate`
- Install django
`pip install django`
In the spirit of https://github.com/vbabiy/djangorestframework-camel-case/pull/124, we should be able to use `"drf_orjson_renderer.parsers.ORJSONParser"`
None of the changes I do to override the default settings seem to work. In particular, I want to increase the expiration delta by a lot more and use my own decoder. Anything I'm doing wrong? Let me kn…
After installing all of the libraries, the first command
python manage.py migrate doesn't work, returning the following error message
dr-yasg 1.20.0
Django 4.0.3
djangorestframework 3.12.2
python 3.9.7
I installed 'drf_yasg' like everyone else and ran the server after setup. After that, when accessing the docs websi…
Hi. I'm having trouble integrating this with my custom user model. My application uses a custom user model with the username field set as 'email', and I'm using this with djangorestframework-jwt which…
Hello there!
I recently tried to upgrade my project dependencies from 4.2 to django 5.0 as part of a major upgrade and all of a sudden in my deploy process the `collectstatic` job went back to its …
With `ST_TileEnvelope`, we could pass in the zoom, tile x, and tile y instead of relying of TMSTileFilter. With that, we can eliminate the `djangorestf…