A common feature of task processing libraries is orchestration that allows you to
+ define tasks that may happen in parallel (similar to `asyncio.gather`)
+ and what task or tasks will receive a …
# Issues
GitHub issues are for bugs. If you have questions, please ask them on the [mailing list](https://groups.io/g/dramatiq-users/topics).
## Checklist
* [x] Does your title concisely sum…
Currently, it's possible to create a group where the children are pipelines:
`children (Iterator[Message|group|pipeline]) – A sequence of messages, groups or pipelines.`
However, it doesn't seem t…
We found a memory leak in github.com/lcogt/banzai. Our tests finally isolated it to be happening when the following exception was raised:
File "sep.pyx", line 286, in sep._assert_ok\n', 'Exception: i…
# 🐛 Bug
backend-worker_1 | [2021-03-03 19:57:14,626] [PID 262] [Thread-1] [dramatiq.worker.ConsumerThread(default)] [DEBUG] Pushing message 'eaec5a30-e055-49a2-96f4-72d10c223d8f' onto wo…
This had happen several time when i am using PDM .
Wasted 2 days trying to fix it. I am going to give up PDM soon at this rate.
Here are the depedencies
dependencies = [
It would be nice if watchdog was gevent compatible.
Problems I've run into so far:
- There is an os.read() in notify_c.py that is blocking – would need to use gevent.os.tp_read() instead.
- There…
现在的评测虽然是基于消息队列做的,但是在负载均衡这块只是用 django select 简单加了个锁,找一台比较“空闲”的机器然后用它评测。
我觉得**在 OJ 这个场景下**,是不是可以把“判断空闲”这个事情让评测机自己来做,往消息队列里塞评测任务之前取消"加锁选机器"这个环节,把这个事情交给 broker 和 worker 来做,毕竟每个评测任务消耗的资源也不是完全一样的,还能省得用 D…
pip install fastapi
pip install uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI() # 创建API实例
async def root():
return {"message": "Hello World"}
# Issues
GitHub issues are for bugs. If you have questions, please ask them on the [mailing list](https://groups.io/g/dramatiq-users/topics).
## Checklist
* [x] Does your title concisely sum…