Since Atom 1.20, the following error occurs sometimes when switching tabs:
**Atom**: 1.20.1 x64
**Electron**: 1.6.9
**OS**: Mac OS X 10.12.6
**Thrown From**: [charcode-display](https://github.co…
svoop updated
7 years ago
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
1. ...
2. ...
**Atom**: 1.16.0 x64
**Electron**: 1.3.13
**OS**: Mac OS X 10.12.4
**Thrown From**: [atom-ternjs](https://github.com/tststs/atom-ternjs) package 0.1…
Hi thank you for writing this great plug-in. Would like to suggest that a maximum number of indent levels be one of the options that we can set, as some teams use that in coding styles.
I think it would benefit the Sass code quality if we use something like sass-lint on our development environnent in addition to a "style" CI like [Hound](https://houndci.com/) to check every pull requ…
Are there any linter rules for managing white space? Like detecting tabs vs spaces, indentation issues, trailing spaces, etc.?
I wonder if you can support this kind of features:
spaces in parameters:
``` javascript
function( a, b, c ) {
var jehuf;
Notice the space before and after the parameters. And the spaces …
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
1. Ocaml merlin is running in infinite mode (spinner in the toolbar) - it's like that since a recent atom update
2. I located ocaml via `which ocaml` and forced the bin…
When I use the feature to implement an interface, it ends up creating two copies of the class
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
1. ...
2. ...
**Atom**: 1.16.0 x64
**Electron**: 1.3.13
**OS**: Mac OS X 10.10.3
**Thrown From**: [atom-maven](https://github.com/concon121/atom-maven) package 1.…
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open Atom
**Atom**: 1.24.0-beta1 x64
**Electron**: 1.6.15
**OS**: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
**Thrown From**: [omnisharp-atom](https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisha…