when i put the code in it says unexpected
我们可以用java php go python等后端语言开发一个服务端项目,也可以用js ts 开发,利用js ts开发时需配置node.js,因为node.js之于js就像jdk之于Java,没有就跑不起来。因为使用js ts开发效率低,所以有了express koa fastify等轻量级框架,适合开发对服务器要求不高的,如果要开发大型项目的话,可以使用基于上述轻量级框架的Nest或者E…
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const VueLoaderPlugin = require('vue-loader/lib/plugin');
const optimizeCssAssets = require('optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin');
const Oss = require('…
Is this WAPI still working after WhatsApp Web Updated 27-29 May?
### Link to reproduction
_No response_
### Describe the Bug
Lexical JSON:
"children": [
"children": [
"detail": 0,
"format": 0,
Should `shards` be used as a build system manager in the future - much like Rust's `cargo`, node.js's `npm`, or Java's `maven`?
First off, I'm very impressed with the continued efforts here! I've built a lot of stuff with knockout and we still have some major projects using it production, but at this point my team and I have m…