Vor längerer Zeit tauchte das Problem auf das mit platform espressif8266@4.1.0 und höher Abstürze der MCU beim Zugriff auf die Web-Seiten auftraten. Das wurde behoben durch eine feste Zuordnung der pl…
I have a web page (19KB) on a esp32dev (esp32-wroom-32E) with some text and two png files (4KB and 7KB) . The page works flawlessly for days when the esp32 is connected as a station…
### Hardware:
Board: esp32-wroom-32e
Core Installation version: 2.0.1
IDE name: PlatformIO
ChipRevision 3, Cpu Freq 240, SDK Version v4.4-dev-3569-g6a7d83af19-dirty
Flash Size 167772…
I finished the testing of this software and ended up with a new version. There where lots of problems to solve, including system crashes at certain string operations like strncat and strncpy.
To gai…
Somehow I cannot find anywhere in the documentation or examples the actual route to access the portal page... I figured out that it was just at /upload, but it should be a bit more obvious.
thanks for that wonderful Library! Is it for convenience possible to use PlattformAIO directly to do OTA updates?
pcace updated
6 months ago
I am updating ElegantOTA code in my workspace to use PyschicHttp instead of AsyncWebServer (in a test code build - so I can prove it works before integrating with my code).
### Describe the problem
If core 2.0.18 in installed sketches fail to compile in IDE2 but will compile in IDE1
IDE2 can not cope with the too long folder name of 2.0.18
### To reproduce
Just com…
I posted [this question](https://github.com/ayushsharma82/ElegantOTA/discussions/163) about using more than one ElegantOTAClass instance. I looked through the code and it seemed like it would be fine,…
## Environment
- Development Kit: [[ESP32-DevKitS](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/hw-reference/esp32/user-guide-devkits-r-v1.1.html) | [ESP32WROOM32E](https://ww…