This feature is conditioned on #86 lifting the ban of chaining of transaction spends in the same block.
Not being forced to scale (in terms of orders settled per second) by increasing the size of t…
With the introduction of `Mix.target()`, nerves now stores built dependencies in the same directory for all targets, `make` will not pick up changes between targets. [here](https://github.com/ConnorRi…
I'm working on a driver for the RC522 RFID reader. I'm tinkering by hand, and I found that if I try to read the same register twice, I get a segfault. Granted I'm fumbling in the dark here, but I feel…
See https://github.com/pragdave/mpr121_elixir for a library that requires this.
According to the sysfs gpio driver (https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/gpio/sysfs.txt):
The device file "active_low" is available. Writing a "0" or a "1" to it makes the gpio normal or active_l…
As far as I can see, it's not possible to configure a GPIO input as pull down or pull up resistor. Can you make this possible?
They seem like they'd be fairly trivial. Maybe something like:
defmodule :circuits_i2c do
defdelegate open(devname), to: Circuits.I2C
Placeholder issue to dump info from Slack until I can deal with it more officially.
Is it expected that `GPIO.set_int gpio_pin_5, :rising` should prevent all ``:falling`` messages ?
The calls to the ports are prohibitive to testing. I suggest creating a behaviour and moving the calls to their modules. We can then use the behaviour with Mox for testing. Right now we can do some ru…