Please add support for non-standard PIDs, for example the ones from Opel mentioned here
I have a problem with the data refresh rate. I am using the code that you put on the home page of the library
#include "ELMduino.h"
SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3); // RX, TX
ELM327 …
### What is the issue?
Was trying to run a finetuned version of llama2 having a gguf of 13.5gb.
![Screenshot from 2024-04-25 11-30-55](https://github.com/ollama/ollama/assets/163822058/99f79650-…
Sorry, this is not an issue, but a beginner's question.
Is there any chance to use this diagnostic tool for BMW motorcycle?
In the past few days I've seen that is possible to activate multi sense on Clios V that don't bring it from factory. Does anybody know the correct path to do it ?
Hello everybody,
first of all a description of my system:
Renault Zoe Intens R135 Z.E. 50, first registration November 2020, built October 2020. About 10.000 km.
Proposal: support non-structural typing (e.g. new user-defined base-types, or some form of basic nominal typing). This allows programmer to have more refined types supporting frequently used idioms su…
When I run `stack install haskell-dap ghci-dap haskell-debug-adapter --system-ghc`, it will stuck when compiling fsnotify.
The last line of output is 'fsnotify > win-src\System\Win32\File…
I am currently using typescript-mode with lsp, for the past few hours I have been struggling with fixing this error message
`File mode specification error: (void-function -compose)`
This is the …
I ran into some issues (see debugger output below) after updating ```lsp-mode-20230823.446```, ```lsp-haskell-20230823.1043``` and ```haskell-language-server (``` to the latest versions. And I…