**Expected behavior and actual behavior:**
The `ghcr.io/aquasecurity/trivy-checks:1.0.1` OCI manifest has a `"size":0` `config`. When I try to upload or replicate it to Harbor, I see an EOF error i…
I'm receiving this error when using the codeInput V3 plugin:
Error: Unrecognized extension value in extension set ([object Object]). This sometimes happens because multiple instances of @codemirro…
> Thanks for merging. I just noticed that since this is doing the checks as it parses the shader, whether you get an error depends on the order of setting the derivative layout vs setting the workgro…
When resuming an iw3 interpolation operation, the system checks the rgb folder to detect where to pick up from. This check somehow is sweeping up the thumbs.db file autogenerated by windows to house g…
I was confused today because my PR was marked as "build: success" on Trac, but it had fail on github.
Investigating the issue, I discovered that the javascript that figures out the status of a PR o…
**Start a discussion about anything you would like**
Many of the functions that take binary images as input will check that the input data is indeed binary. In some cases that means checking for the …
## Checks for [butterfly (v1.0.0)](https://github.com/thomaszwagerman/butterfly)
git hash: [b28f2c33](https://github.com/thomaszwagerman/butterfly/tree/b28f2c33fb013bad8d244febe5cb4f53ff7ebf7a)
- :h…
## Checks for [jmvReadWrite (v0.4.8)](https://sjentsch.github.io/jmvReadWrite/)
git hash: [e8005c99](https://sjentsch.github.io/jmvReadWrite//tree/e8005c991f42f0a31332e6c9964615592211cc50)
- :heavy_…
## Objective
Implement validation for Rails new options and combinations
## Tasks
- [ ] Create `OptionValidator` service
- [ ] Implement option compatibility checks
- [ ] Add version-specific v…
Emails sent with `Content-Type: text/html` are failing DKIM checks, resulting in a "dkim=fail (body hash mismatch)" error. However, when emails are sent with `Content-Type: text/pl…