Create web scraper to fetch currency exchange rates for currencies based on cryptoledgers.
This should support multiple sources in a generic way and the data should be made available together with cr…
implement api https://www.exchangerate-api.com/docs/free
exchange rate module that stores the exchange rates of many currencies in a database table and automatically updates them every X hours
Hi Gerry,
I get that Panstripe's main goal is to model the gene exchange rates, but would it be straightforward to get an idea of the function of the exchanged genes? I'm thinking of listing annota…
Hi @arzzen
Thanks so much for doing the work on this wonderful API.
I was wondering how are the rates from various sources are averaged or weighted when the data is returned from your API?
I don't want to use Open Exchange Rates. How can i do that?
Firstly, thank you for your work. Much appreciated.
The issue is the rate of exchange does not respect the order: `from` -> `to` for some `source=crypto` cases.
I have seen that the URL used in this script returns this error:
It has come to our attention that this service is being used in violation of the Yahoo Terms of Service. As such, the service…
### FILE
ActiveAdmin.register FiatRate do
config.sort_order = 'date_desc'
menu parent: 'Currencies', label: 'EU Rates'
# See permitted parameters documentation:
# https://github.com/act…
This issue tracks the goal of writing a PoC implementation of the loop finding according to https://github.com/ledgerloops/ledgerloops.com/issues/92
As a PoC, it *will* require all code to run with…
1. Each $value should have a tooltip with the current exchange rate and a link to the source used. (Link opens in a new tab/window.)
2. Add an FAQ entry about how value estimates are done.