Can we have video player plug-in for Windows?
Thank you for your amazing work.
## Flutter version
Flutter 1.5.4-hotfix.2 • channel stable • https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
Framework • r…
While submitting release version of App to AppStore I am getting the following update from Apple
ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public symbols in Frameworks/Flutter.f…
The error message comes up sometimes when I try to access a video displayed in my Flutter application. I am using Chewie (https://pub.dev/packages/chewie) when rendering my videos. The video is an mp4…
import 'package:fijkplayer/fijkplayer.dart';
### Steps to reproduce
Fijkplayer plays rtsp live video with more than 3 second latency.
### Code sample
await player.setOption(FijkOption.hostCategory, "request-screen-on", 1);
await player.s…
I am using Flutter Channel Stable and Flutter Version is 2.0.5
I am using video player package and chewie for playing video from asset the video is playing on some devices and on some devices …
Most powerful player plugin for flutter that I seen... but there are many formats it plays without audio (file or rtsp).
In logs we can see:
I/IJKMEDIA( 4749): Stream #0:1
引入 `agora_rtc_engine: 5.1.0` 后
感觉是 ffmpeg 的版本造成。
`agora_rtc_engine: ^4.0.7` 引入这个版本不会照成 fijkplayer 闪退。
after …
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**Expected behavior**
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