Call to undefined method League\Flysystem\Filesystem::getAdapter()
line 62
if (!$this->storage->getDriver()->getAdapter() instanceof Local) {
Handler::error('Error', '[laravel-admin-ext…
It looks like there's a BunnyStorage adapter available at
Can this be added to the list of Cloud Providers? Is there reason in particul…
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`PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /vendor/twistor/flysystem-stream-wrapper/src/Flysystem/P…
I work with Drupal, and in my current project I'm updating the PHP version to PHP 8.2.9
After the updated, I'm receiving the next warning
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\f…
Hi, I have an issue while installing this package, I was trying to connect to my IPFS container.
Some references: [Links](https://developer.algorand.org/solutions/build-and-deploy-your-nfts-with-lara…
After performing a migration from legacy -> pdo, then pdo -> local, I still have upwards of 24k "files" in attachment_chunk, and the table is still >20G in size.
Best I can tell,…
In system based on isle-dc I see numerous PHP notices from Islandora `Notice: Undefined index: rel in Drupal\islandora\Flysystem\Adapter\FedoraAdapter->getMetadataFromHeaders() (line 155 of modules/co…
### Bug Report
| Q | A
|------------ | ------
| BC Break | n/a
| Version | ^3.0
#### Summary
Only reproducible on flysystem-ftp
Tried with flysystem-sftp and it does no…
> If you don't append a cache, a `Cache\Memory` will be used implicitly.
This is wrong. It has been changed in the flysystem. See https://github.com/thephpleague/flysystem/pull/368
Try using like:
In \League\Flysystem\FilesystemInterface:
public function url($path)
$adapter = $this->driver->getAdapter();