Hi @Niriel! Thanks a lot for building this project. It looks amazing.
Currently we are working on better typed FP stack in Python. It has some great results already, but also some limitation.
Hi, I'm Pawel Szulc. At the moment, I am a Scala developer and humble apprentice of functional programming.
I've been exposed to the functional paradigm pretty late in life, after 8 years of working…
I'm writing a utility that needs to descend into all directories under a directory given by the user. It shouldn't matter whether these are symbolic links or real directory. However, with Shelly's f…
The core language of Nickel is pure, but its usage in practice requires side-effects, e.g. for retrieving information about the local environment. We propose to add effects to Nickel.
The effect sy…
Hi, thanks for this interesting library.
Currently, we can only handle effects purely since we can't use IO inside hander.
Can we have `IO`-like effect at the bottom of effect stack, and a runner…
Given this specific case when a type constructor being injected is the right-right part of Coproduct and defined in object.
trait Foo[A]
trait Bar[A]
object Baz {
trait F[A]
It would be handy if `convert(::Type{Symbol}, str::AbstractString)` and `convert(::Type{String}, sym::Symbol)` worked
related #35033
`Symbol` isn't a string, but it is string-like.
and we c…
# Situation
`ListT` is deprecated since a long time, and has been removed from major packages:
I'm digging this. :+1: My two cents:
I was initially pretty confused reading through source, until I realized it was the transpiled output. Maybe it would be better to only transpile on prepublish, …
X : UU P : X → UU Q : X → UU f : ∏ x : X, P x ≃ Q x xp : ∑ y : X, Q y
(totalfun P Q (λ x : X, f x) (totalfun Q P (λ x : X, invmap (f x)) xp) =