### Describe the feature request
## 需求与原因
- frps 的公网 IP 地址会因为某些原因(例如断电重启)而改变(小范围、有规律变化)
- frpc 需要实现**无人职守**
- frpc 在首次连接到 **ServerAddr** 之后,如果此时 frps 断电重启导致 **ServerAddr** 变化了,则由于 frpc 的重连机制而无法退出…
### Describe the feature request
### frp的http协议是否不支持【PROPFIND、OPTIONS、LOCK、UNLOCK方法】。主要是webdav使用
frp 0.47 amd64 linux
### Describe alternatives you've considered
_No response_
### Affected…
Over at [https://github.com/rmyorston/busybox-w32/issues/297](https://github.com/rmyorston/busybox-w32/issues/297) we've been working on getting stuff that uses a `configure` script to build with w64d…
I want to evaluate these HTML macro systems and any others. @Pauan and others, let me know if you have thoughts on a good html macro system for rust to enable JSX style in Dominator, thanks.
- http…
This looks really cool, and handles stuff like collections which others (rxRust) totally miss.
It says it's fast, and the examples don't show any lifetimes, but it's not clear what the ownership mo…
### Describe the feature request
add `latest ` docker tag in docker hub
currently only version and test tags appeared in docker hub
if running
> 区分:这里探讨互联网protocol协议相关的所有内容,唯独不涉及TCP/IP协议族的最高层 Application Layer。App应用因为太丰富,且已经抽象成为了业务相关的内容,为表区分就单放在另一篇中。
## 涉及问题
- [x] Protocols…
Let's put together some roadmap!
As @ssbothwell mentioned, we could start with core IR - it doesn't need any inference and should be much simpler language, while supporting all the relevant type fe…
Some plugins might need to pass down the context to functions that execute concurrently.
Hi y'all, I thought that a good way to get to know each other and to welcome new members is to have an issue for introductions. When adding new members in future I feel we should point them here 😄