While we wait to get mechanisms and function extracted using OpenAI, we can try out clustering algorithms using AskNature functions and summaries as an approximation of mechanism.
1. [Phase Vocoder Done Right](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2202.07382.pdf)
2. [Pitch-shifting algorithm design and applications in music](http://kth.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1381398/FULLTEXT01.pdf)
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues and checked the recent builds/commits
### What would your feature do ?
Many modern processors have bfloat16 suppor…
How to use KAN for univariate time series prediction, would it be best to have an example code?
Due to the fact that KAN appears to effectively solve the approximation of non smooth functions and l…
Right now, the color comparison function is sort of implicitly sRGB luma (encoded luminance). This is not terrible as an approximation of perceptual difference, but to be flexible, it should be caller…
really cool approximation of the correction factors! It really does speed it the process by quite a bit!
Do you think that it would be possible to incorporate SO4 into the approximation funct…
NWL utils currently rely on using some value for wall_s to root solve for theta, assuming the points lie on the surface defined by that wall_s value. For a custom FW (constant offset or whatever), thi…
Inference methods in the latest GPML toolkit `http://www.gaussianprocess.org/gpml/code/matlab/doc/README` are unified. It will be great if we can unify inference methods in shogun.
Create a wrapper function for the Laplace Approximation function (NegLogInt_Fn) that will
- Determine the index values for CTL_linenum_List and ESTPAR_num_List, if possible
- call optimize
- save a cl…
[Policy Gradient Methods for Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation](https://papers.nips.cc/paper/1713-policy-gradient-methods-for-reinforcement-learning-with-function-approximation.pdf)