What do you think? I took a quick peek at the website and …
Now that we've got all this info, what do we want to do with it? Let's lay them out, then run them by Prof Cheney for feedback before we put too much time into actually analyzing things.
Things we …
Currently Tahir works by blurring all images, and thus preventing accidentally viewing any impermissible images. It would be ideal if Tahir blurred haram images only. However, this is difficult to do …
Post your response to our challenge questions.
First, pose a research question you would like to answer (in one, artfully worded sentence ending with a question mark). This could be the same questi…
How can I read/align/prepare face for making predict on trained model?
I made code like this:
model = create_deepface()
Post a link for a "possibility" reading of your own on the topic of Deep Learning with Text [for week 5], accompanied by a 300-400 word reflection that: 1) briefly summarizes the article (e.g., as we …
lkcao updated
2 years ago
**1 Reading assignment**
- Read Paper: Uldam, Julie. “Online Civic Cultures: Debating Climate Change Activism on YouTube.” International Journal of Communication 7 (2013): 1185–1204. (available on…
Hi I've been messing around with this code and found an error.
If I use these params in the AttGAN class
def __init__(self, enc_dim=64, enc_layers=6, enc_norm_fn='batchnorm', enc_acti_f…