This code only works when the GeoJSON has the id property set:
join = paths.data(this.geojson.features, function(d) {
return d.id;
In the GeoJSON spec the id property of a featur…
[CityJSON](http://www.cityjson.org/) is a format for encoding a subset of the [CityGML](https://www.citygml.org/) data model, an OGC standard, using JSON. A CityJSON file represents both the geometry …
This issue describes the challenges around geolocation tracking on the backend.
Currently, the implementation is quite simple, but sooner or later it will need to evolve to handle more use-cases (…
Please provide the following when reporting an issue:
I was using Turf@7 when I discovered this issue. I can verify that it doesn't happen with Turf@6.
Here are two Observable notebooks with th…
Currently there are 3 GeoJSONs that are about 7x larger than the next largest GeoJSONs.
48M latest/geojsons/178.geojson
48M latest/geojsons/56959.geojson
48M latest/geojsons/695.geojson
When trying to tap on roads or other line features, they are really hard to hit. One has to exactly hit the center of a road to be registered as a tap. Intuitively, if one misses, one will try to zoom…
It seems to me there are no features located in the province of Groningen, Fryslân or Drenthe in bestand-veehouderijbedrijven.geojson. Am I right?
Passing a geometry to turf/length will result in a TypeScript error:
import length from "@turf/length";
import { lineString } from "@turf/helpers";
const feature = lineString([
When attempting to repair self-intersections, the number of features increases by more than 5x.
I am using the following command:
./pprepair -i clip.geojson -o clip_out -rtnn
I'm attaching both the o…
Currently, `queryRenderedFeatures` or `querySourceFeatures` on a GeoJSON source return geometries that have gone through a round trip to tiled form, reducing coordinate precision and therefore giving …