JupyterLab will soon have the ability to render very large tables (millions of rows in memory, trillions for virtual datasets). We are starting to look at building native feature support into JupyterL…
Could anyone tell me how to integrate s2geometry into geomesa?Thanks!
This has happened to me a few times when creating new projects that depend on GT. The error you get at compile time is quite cryptic, and it was only through trial-and-error that we discovered that ad…
Now the docker build doesn't get all the binaries. Within rf-notebooks `pyrasterframes.get_spark_session()` results in
(disclaimer: I'm rather new to scala and sbt so I might be doing something wrong)
Based on quickstart docs (https://docs.geotrellis.io/en/latest/tutorials/quickstart.html) I tried to run sbt's `con…
When inspection rendering from https://github.com/geotrellis/geotrellis-road-distance-sdg/pull/6 the roads are suspiciously narrow considering that they're expected to be buffered by 2 KM.
Pulling …
Connects: https://github.com/locationtech/geotrellis/issues/2916
This issue is to split out backend-specific packages in twain: one for spark and one for collections API
- [x] Diagram the split …
On the [Quickstart Tutorial](https://locationtech.github.io/geowave/sandbox-env.html#) page, the link to [VirtualBox_HDP_Geowave_Sandbox_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.ova](https://s3.amazonaws.com/geowave-vm/1.0.0-S…
`sbt pyrasterframes/package` prints something like this:
[info] Maven Python .zip artifact written to '/Users/jbrown/src/raster-frames/pyrasterframes/target/scala-2.11/pyrasterframes-0.8.0-SN…
This issue was encountered while we were attempting to shade the `com.typesafe.scala-logging` classes in an effort to get RasterFrames running in DataBricks environment. DataBricks itself brings ins `…