cc @glugeorge
The idea it to use [datatrees](https://github.com/xarray-contrib/datatree) to group together data from ApRES instruments in the same survey.
@TomNicholas, this is the project we …
Conversation started here:
In a level_4 folder, having one merged record for each site, combining historical, v2 and v3 stations as well as moved stations (e.g. THU_U replaced by THU_U2). Ongoing implementation in https://githu…
There's a method for calculating hourly albedo used in various publications e.g. [van den Broeke et al 2004](https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0426(2004)021%3C1417:AAITQO%3E2.0.CO;2) should be used here. c…
Many of our articles cover time periods in deeper geological time, and a calendar input wouldn't work for us for the majority of our articles. E.g. 25 Ma or 10000 BP. Are there any plans to offer an a…
See also #23
Are there plans for a mapping to GCMD?
cc @alisonboyer
A natural consequence of [estimating a continuous surface height](https://github.com/GEUS-Glaciology-and-Climate/pypromice/issues/10) is that we can now calculate the thermistor depth for each time st…
Please comment here with the day you wish to present, the name of the software (linked to the website), and a sentence or two about what it does. Please make your repository public [1] and link *your*…