The Graphalytics benchmark operates on port 8011 and 8012. The port numbers should be configurable for easier deployment.
Graphalytics benchmark launches independent JVM to execute each benchmark run, such that time-out can be guaranteed.
However, the timeout includes now the proprocess, postprocess and validation tim…
To ensure results correctness, Graphalytics compare the benchmark result with validation dataset for each algorithm-dataset combination. However, the newly-used datagen datasets with zipfian distribut…
As far as I can tell, the only way to determine if there were validation failures in a Graphalytics run is to examine each benchmark validation result. It would be useful to have an indication that th…
- `borges producer --source=file --file ./top200repos.txt`
- got 200 messages in Rabbit, `borges.buriedQueue` empty
curl -s -u guest:guest "http://localhost:8081/api/queues/%2F/borges"…
For any benchmark, the chance is high that some benchmark runs will fail. It is easier to diagnose the failures if there are well-classified states of benchmark run, e.g.,
I tried running dual iso algo example using: scalac DualIso.scala
it says:
DualIso.scala:13: error: object util is not a member of package scalation
import scalation.util.time
After packaging with ```mvn package -DskipTests```, running ```./run-benchmark.sh```yields
[ 50%] Linking CXX executable main
The prescribed path - http://atlarge.ewi.tudelft.nl/graphalytics/ in README to download the graphs returns a 404 error. Please change the link to point to the correct location.
When doing the usual business after installing PowerGraph, one gets