I tried to use this module with electron, but `electron-rebuild` fails with errors.
Here is the error message:
⠋ Searching dependency tree electron-rebuild rebuilding with args: [Arguments] …
hi thanks for such a wonderful library. I am using CC2650 launchpad (cortex arm m3) of Texas Instruments and i am using your library for reading the data from mpu9250. I have calibrated the mpu9250 …
Build a tool that facilitates building visualisations from the relevant Statbank datasets.
Note possible comparisons with
### System Information
OpenCV version: 4.9.0
Operating System / Platform: Windows 11
### Detailed description
When building OpenCV with NVIDIA CUDA support using CMake, this error happens:
Obviously we've had occasional issues related to fluctuating connections from the overseas control rooms but I had some really weird ORCA behaviour today and Esther at least confirms it's something sh…
rcl11 updated
6 years ago
Hi there,
I hope that still someone is reading this. I'm quite new to KODI and its add-ons, so I cannot provide a details log.
This is just a best-guess shot
I tried Spotify Connect more or less…
hi kriswiner ,
is MPU9250 works well with Arduino Uno ?
Hi Kris,
Thank you for your information about the sensor fusion topic. Filing an issue against your code is quite misleading as I'm not even using it (directly anyway) but I'm hoping you have some su…
kulve updated
8 years ago
Hello, all how to put sleep and wakeup in every 10 seconds. in this DISCO_IOT_MultiEvent example code, I made some changes as below but my device still takes 160uA current. how to implement sleep and …
Any chance for a version without the sensor hub? eek:)