First of all, thanks for your work with this package, has been very helpful so far.
This is actually more a general question than it is an issue: I was wondering wat kind of process mining algorit…
Due to my low frequency and diverse chatbot interaction data, I am bound to using the heuristics miner. Sadly, this miner does not offer the usage out-of-the-box GraphViz functionalities for adding co…
Will there be etchash support?
* https://github.com/eth-classic/etchash
* https://github.com/etclabscore/open-etc-pool/
Distro is Arch Linux.
dbus-broker version is 20, and is from the offical repo.
Usually, it's very slow and steady.
A couple of instances, I've left my machine overnight, come back, and I've o…
i am trying to get all the informationen like nodes, edges and the frequency (or performance) from the heuristic_net after the heuristic_miner has been sucessfully applied . Is there a simpl…
If I get data like this:
can I use pm4py generate graph like this:
The idea behind the price wave / prices posted motif is that when somebody becomes liquidatable (or nearly liquidatable) based on Coinbase prices, we should prepare for them to become liquidatable on-…
## Location
[Freenode](https://webchat.freenode.net/) | [Mattermost](https://mattermost.getmonero.org/) | [Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/!VDQXWJoFsesLtbGdTT:matrix.org?via=matrix.org)
The first time of using this function is fine. After I closed it and opened it again, …
pm4py.algo.conformance.alignments.factory and pm4py.evaluation.replay_fitness.factory throw a KeyError when passing a pandas DataFrame while converting to pm4py.objects.log.log.EventLog works.…