Tried to access nonexistent attribute or method '__call__' of type '__torch__.kornia.geometry.boxes.Boxes3D'. Did you forget to initialize an attribute in __init__()?:
File "/home/s…
I'm tring to train the Synthetic Shapes,but I GET THESE error;
can u tell me how to correct it,thanks!!!!!!!
INFO:tensorflow:Scale of 0 disables regularizer.
[10/30/2018 20:33:00 INFO] Scale of 0…
I'm having difficulties reproducing the results of the pretrained model on HPatches.
While the pretrained model performs well, training by myself results in no improvements on HPatches compare…
Looks like the link to the HPatches full image sequences is currently broken. Not sure if the server is down. Could you please share an updated link? Thank you!
Could you share the code of homography estimation experiment or other open-source code?
I started a colony with Pawnmorpher (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1786466855) active with this mod as well.
Upon getting an event where a former human who was transformed …
Hi! my dear friends, I am sorry to disturb you again. When I run the follows,error happened!
4) Evaluating the repeatability on HPatches
python export_detections_repeatability.py configs/magic-…
In this toolbox, homographies on hpatches are evaluated with accuracy, while recent papers such as LoFTR and SuperGlue both use AUC, which makes comparisons difficult.
It further complicates matter…
- [ ] [*Distributed Photometric Bundle Adjustment](https://vision.in.tum.de/_media/spezial/bib/demmel2020distributed.pdf)
- [x] [BA-NET: DENSE BUNDLE ADJUSTMENT NETWORKS](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.0…
Sorry to bother you again. After listening to your comments yesterday, I ran the following steps, but when I ran to “python export_descriptors.py configs/superpoint_hpatches.yaml superpoint_coco --ex…