In the http4s client, when a codec fails to parse the expected JSON, it creates a `FailedRequest` model:
def parseJson[F[_]: Sync, T](
className: String,
r: org.http4s.Res…
Using e.g. `http4s`.
Depends on some HTTP server (e.g. `http4s`) available for Scala 3.
We're a bit stuck on some weird behaviour in our application.
We're using fs2-pubsub, with EmberClientwith http2 support to make gRPC requests to Google pubsub api.
I.e. Setup something like thi…
Quite a few headers don't yet have typed models. The following are the unmodelled headers that have their own page on [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers), excluding those …
This is a place to discuss formatting. I've been using scalafmt but not very systematically. It is not integrated into the build and I've used it only for new code.
I'm using the format rules selecte…
It's pretty well known in the http4s community to stay way from `Uri.unsafeFromString`
```httpClient.expect[GetConfigurationResponse](Request[F](method = Method.POST, uri = Uri.unsafeFromString(hos…
**Describe the bug**
Build a Scala 2.13 project, using Java 11, GraalVM 20.2.0 on Docker raises the error:
Wxception in thread "main" com.oracle.svm.core.jdk.UnsupportedFeatureError:…
I was trying to execute the steps for migrating from [0.18 to 0.20+](https://http4s.org/v0.21/upgrading/):
`sbt ";scalafixEnable; scalafix github:http4s/http4s/v0_20"`
`sbt ";scalaf…
Let's say you define your smithy ops as mounted at root:
@http(method: "POST", uri: "/{name}", code: 200)
If you then build the routes using `val routes = SimpleRestJsonBuilder.r…
In one of my project we are moving away from `akka (v10.2.9)` to `http4s (v0.23.12)`. In akka we are creating http server using `akka.http.scaladsl.Http` object which internally creates `HttpConnectio…