- Site: [https://test.educationdataexchange.gov.bc.ca](https://test.educationdataexchange.gov.bc.ca)
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Case 1 after selecting the *.bmp/ *.gif/ *.tiff file formats
**Steps to Reproduce:**
1. Launch Ketcher
2. Click on "Open..." icon on the top menu
3. Select the "OPEN FROM IMAGE" tab
4. Select …
I'm getting data is invalid when trying to associate a png or ico file with -iconFile
What are the image specs needed for the PS2EXE utility?
**Last Tested On**
**Known Issues & Notes**
i noticed we are getting a 404 err looking for `favicon.ico` file. if it's quick let's go ahead and add one. i think it should be end up in this directory: https://github.com/zettaapi/zettaapi.github.…
Add some nice `favicon.ico` :smile: