It's normal on iOS10, but I can't use it on iOS12.......
unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it.
UITableViewCellContentView:0x7ff18248a4c0.width == 375
UITableViewCellContentView:0x7ff18248a4c0.width == 0
binfy updated
7 years ago
To reproduce:
1. Plug iOS10 device into a Linux machine with the latest usbmuxd and libimobiledevice installed
2. Press the "Trust" button on the device when the Trust dialog appears
3. Run `ideviceda…
为什么在模拟器(IOS10.3)中调用登录,在登录成功后是能够收到登录成功的回调的,但是放到真机测试上就会收不到回调. 连回调方法都没有被调用.
QQAPI.login().then(data => {
}).catch(e => {
console.log('登陆失败:', e)
Just want to inform you.
We had a problem with kineticjs which might be in concrete too.
best regards Tobias & Dennis from SinusQuadrat
`getImageData `gives back wrong colors in Safari iOS10 iP…
> cannot GET https://mb.api.cloud.nifty.com:443/2013-09-01/installations/XXXXXX(403)
Hi @etwmc ,
I use your Personal-HomeKit-HAP to write a demo running on my openwrt , it works sucessfully!
And I added two accessory, lightbule and a switch , which can be dicoveried by Apple homek…
由于appsync不兼容10.2的越狱 只能另想方法了 我给大家分享一种方法 1.下载IPA 2.用ifile或Filza 解压出来 3.把应用文件夹放入根目录applications文件夹中的 6.点击文件夹右边的的蓝色圈圈感叹号,要访问保持权限一致,点击粘贴,下拉到最后打开应用到所有子项目,点击存储(如果存储不可点,那么随意点击任意取消一个勾再勾上即可)把5.手机终端输入su 输入密码 在输入…