there are several ways to calc the extent, so far I have used:
adehabitatHR::mcp(ydat, percent=99)
alphahull::ahull(ydat, alpha = dist) where dist is dist
**Objectif** : partager cette liste avec des parties prenantes susceptibles de fournir des images supplémentaires. Exemples : universitaires, ONGs (WWF..) etc..
**Faire un premier extract à partir …
As said several times, have so far been unable to see this. Would be very good to have for Demo tomorrow ...
A few questions/challenges to be addressed:
- [ ] Which protected lands categories are we interested in?
- [ ] How will we store protected lands data (may be too large for GitHub)?
- [ ] How do w…
We now have a single species list with the red list category: https://lists.nbnatlas.org/speciesListItem/list/dr2022#list
Please add a filter to the species search to filter by category and the cat…
El desarrollo de este apartado se hará con la Primera Historia: "Mediterranean butterflies". El resto de historias se encajarán en el mismo patrón exactamente.
- Se hará con Mapbox-GL…
For new frontend, rework wikidata queries to get metadata + list of available wikipedia pages in different languages starting from ncbi taxid.
For the moment the reference query is:
juba updated
3 months ago
Hi, just a detail for the occurrence indicator graphs Y-axis legend: Occupancy, in principle, is mostly used for the probability that a site is occupied (and expressed between 0 and 1) cf. site occupa…
Actions: have a glossary with clear definitions and/or links to definitions; replace the term ‘vulnerable’ to avoid confusion with the IUCN definition, a suggestion is to change the wording to ‘active…
### Background
The idea is to keep the species in our database up to date.
We still need to find the way to keep species up to date.
This should be implement in the near future (next 1-2 sprint:…