**Describe the bug**
irIIIFService is failing on certain jpf files (maybe others?) with `2024-11-01 12:57:55.140 DEBUG 1 --- [http-nio-8080-exec-4796] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate: Response 501 NOT_IM…
After Java 9 compatibility is made tentatively available in 9.1.14, discussions need to be had on how best to set up jRuby's module-info.java file(s) for the Java Platform Module System now available …
To be clear, I have successfully used this plugin with Java 9, but the support is incomplete because of new options related to modularization.
In Java 9 the javapackager tool has an --add-modules o…
## 概述
在进行 https://weidentity.readthedocs.io/zh-cn/latest/docs/deploy-via-web.html#mode-selection 中提到的第一步时,选择Webase+Identity集成模式时,发生请求异常。
## 复现
1. 一键部署Webase
2. 启动Weid网页部署工具
3. 在Webase应用管理中建立w…
When using response streaming in a REST resource, I always receive the following exception when using `quarkus-langchain4j-memory-store-redis`:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The current thr…
Is Java 9 suppored? I got the error like below:
[JavaFX Application Thread] WARN org.reflections.Reflections - given scan urls are empty. set urls in the configuration
Exception in App…
### Describe the bug
In our build matrix, we use the `setup-graalvm` action to get the latest GraalVM corresponding to the matrix's Java version:
- uses: graalvm/setup-graalvm@v1
With the release of Jakarta EE 9, it has been transferred from Oracle to open-source Eclipse Foundation which required changing the API package name from javax namespace to jakarta. Is there p…