Compare the list of tool specifications
with the list of 8 tools provided by JDK 16-ea
- jar (provided by module jdk.jartool@16-ea)
We are observing this exception on a modular (packaged with jpackage) application running on JDK 17 and with BC 1.78.1
javax.net.ssl.SSLException : class org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider…
I have the following structure:
public class Zoo {
List animals;
List tigers;
public class Animal {
public class Tiger …
I've tried to install mmj2e / mmtk and it seems I need a JDK, not a JRE.
Also, it seems it requires `jpackage`, which was only introduced in JDK 14, so I suppose the dependency is JDK 14?
tirix updated
2 years ago
Since dropping the requirement to be compatible with Matlab allows us to switch to Java 17, we can consider packaging Moonlight as a full-featured application (see [jpackage](https://docs.oracle.com/e…
In my [build.gradle](https://github.com/armin-reichert/pacman-javafx/blob/main/pacman-ui-fx-3d/build.gradle), I set the vendor property, however in the generated installer I do not see it anywhere. Is…
I receive the following:
Error: /Stage[main]/Tomcat7_rhel/Package[tomcat7]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install tomcat7' returned 1: Error: No…
ghost updated
11 years ago
Lets populate existing README.md with some content, especially:
- short description
- information about free software, licensing, warranty disclaimer
- relationship with JPackage
- using Vagrant
- lin…
After installing VocabHunter from the installable bundle [created with _jpackage_](https://github.com/VocabHunter/VocabHunter/blob/master/package/PACKAGING.md), double-clicking a `.wordy` file opens V…
Hi I'm trying to generate an appimage for my javafx app but it does not generate any appimage