When I ran shuffle.sh, the result was:
Number of rows by output file:
[('D:/KataGo/python/shuffleddata/20240120-093419/train\\data0.npz', 75008), ('D:/KataGo/python/shuffleddata/20240120-093419/trai…
If i want to use Katago 1.14.1 with time cache, what can I do? Anyone can help me?
I would like to know if there is an empirically optimal maxVisits value that can yield more accurate winrate data. Setting a higher value requires more time, so I’m looking for a more economical way t…
( Mirai console 2.15.0-M1 )Katago倒是可以安装成功,其他指令都失效了
Can authors build a release like katago.exe to help me learn it on Lizzie UI?I have trouble in building the source code, because I don't have the docker.Looking forward to early reply.
As far as I understand, sai brings different concept to dramatically improve value network in unfair situation.
If we consider extrem situation like 9 handicap stone, leela zero is considering the …
I found that KataGo conducts self-play and then generates a large number of rows, which are then uploaded. What are these data used for? Because it doesn't seem to be doing backward propagation like t…
The original non-BadukMegapack version of LizGoban 0.4.2 has a "View" menu which looks as shown below in Screenshot 1. However the BadukMegapack version displays as shown in Screenshot 2 (i.e. it lack…
How can I use katago from other applications on Linux?
I am not very familiar with programming, but I would like to create a GUI side application that uses katago as an engine. if I want to use Pyt…
is my downloaded file broken?
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18758602 Aug 30 15:27 katago-v1.6.1-cpu-eigen-avx2-linux-x64.zip
# unzip *zip
Archive: katago-v1.6.1-cpu-eigen-avx2-linux-x64.zip