The time at which the current rate limit window resets in UTC epoch seconds.
General Information
Function: claimKey()
Location: covid-shield-server/pkg/server/keyclaim.go
Path: /claim-key
Logic of claimKey()
Check how many attempts the IP has left based on the current n…
http add rate limit
casbin Built-in adapter
很期待GF能内置 简易化漏桶限速
以及内置casbin gf-adapter。
Suggested on [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/rails/comments/osngwe/goodjob_has_builtin_cron_and_concurrency_controls/h6s5r9z?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).
I think this could be do…
From what I can see, the answer is no. If so, is this in the plans? It seems like it might be useful to keep a number of requests in a queue to handle them later. Basically I'm referring to the `burst…
Kafka has add the feature of header from version 0.11.x, but kafka-node has not supported it.
Do you have any plan to implement that?
### What version of Go are you using (`go version`)?
$ go version
go version go1.15.5 linux/amd64
### Does this issue reproduce with the latest release?
### What operating system and proc…
Expose and display percent complete in the backfiller API
/cc @joelkw @felixfbecker @vovakulikov
### Summary
The logging framework parser has been implemented (#4261, based on #4260), so deeper analysis can be done to identify bottlenecks & improve performance. The ultimate goal is to help ach…