ELF OpenGo
ELF OpenGo is a reimplementation of AlphaGoZero / AlphaZero. It was trained on 2,000 GPUs over a two week period, and has achie…
I made some analysis earlier that maybe lowering visits would be useful but it wasn't very rigorous (https://github.com/gcp/leela-zero/issues/1030#issuecomment-374328038, https://github.com/gcp/leela-…
Please find attach an Excel file simulating the impact of gating vs no gating, to try to understand the most efficient approach.
Last version of the Excel (18/6/2018):
[Gating v4.xlsx.gz](https://g…
Since it required huge amount of computing resources to teach network - is it possible to create some distributed system, where everyone who is willing can join and contribute their machine r…
**Synthesis (after two updates on 27/11/2018):**
**ALL match games** tested since yesterday (~80 games from 3 tested nets against LZ191) **have exactly the same opening for the first 30 moves!** For…
As you know, there are some different approaches to utilize value network's evaluation.
For example, An open sourced computer go program RN, just averages value network evaluations and uses it, lik…
Since a lot of people are working on tuning FPU at the moment and some people are exploring tweaks to the search algorithm I wanted to share a few areas of research I was looking over this evening, in…
is the aim to produce much stronger with weight bigger size or not so much stronger and keep the size increases small ?
and also care about the time of self play to get promotion?
some possible size…
3582422213.03M+128k40x256 VS 85a93684 | 243 : 159 (60.45%)
What does it mean? Several new promoted nets over several weeks, yielded 60% progress?
Is it rock/paper/scissors issue?
*Upon suggestion of @roy7 , I post here a discussion held on discord today*
@Friday9i Regarding the question why opening move policy tends to become almost 100% on one move (up to the 8 symetries),…