The current [documentation](https://dedalus-project.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notebooks/dedalus_tutorial_3.html#Substitutions) provides the code for the tau polynomials as
# Tau polynomial…
When creating an article or a subscription offer, we ask the admin for a price in decimal euros (5.00€), but we save it as cents in the DB (500). This avoids floating point errors when computing.
This is a C++Weekly episode request, or perhaps just an interesting idea to mention.
Macros in metaprogramming! Some common ones like `FWD`, `ARROW`, and `LIFT`:
Since GtS 0.16.0 there is a way to build with a SQLite driver that we access through WASM, which would lift the amd64 restriction currently in place as a consequence of using the modernc transpiled dr…
v 2.1.0 rc win64
Center of bridge falls down during printing and go a little bit up during cooling. However, they never get to the straight line. Let's build bridges different way.
Instead of go…
Maybe also find out what buttons the drivers want them bound to.
A little woodworking and a little welding, and no longer will I have to lay around on a concrete floor while I work.
Wilto updated
10 years ago
This issue concerns the implementation of the `collect` machinery for types `T tuple[1] * tuple[2]` and is applied to each element of `zip(tbl[:A], tbl[:B])`. Note that `tbl[:A]`, `tbl[:B]` are assum…
Can you tell me where I can find the lifting (2D->3D) library you are using?