I'm using macOS 10.13.4, Sublime Text build 3175, GoSublime v18.05.19.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a file named `foo_test.go`
package test
import "testing"
type fooer interface…
#include "ex22.h"
#include "dbg.h"
const char *MY_NAME= "Zed A Shaw";
void scope_demo(int count)
log_info("count is %d",count);
if(count > 10)
Sorry to open the issue, I have looked at the historical issues as well as the source code to no avail.
Given this minimal python file:
import logging
When I hit `K`, the `__d…
Hi there!
I've found, that when I open .c file (even one-liner) with `neco-syntax` enabled, my neovim freezes (ignores any actions like moving cursor, entering commands and so on) for some time (abou…
It seems to be an issue resolved, but I cannot get rid of it.
Just created a new project, added react-native-maps, and trying to compile in xcode gives me
: /tmp/test/node_modules/react-native-maps/io…
### Issue
jedi-vim could not work in neovim0.1.5 on mac osX.
According to my investigation... any `system()` function does not work correctly ... (e.g. `system('python -c '.shellescape('import sys; s…
Min function (that was discussed so much at wcell2) gives an errors when Translation module is loaded in Copasi or in RoadRunned .
The current `.clang_format` rules are generating mixed indent, which is fairly universally considered bad coding style. It'll generate a hideous diff when it's implemented but I think it's something …
I am running the examples on a Mint Linux box.
When I try to run `extern putchard(x); putchard(120);` I get the following error message:
LLVM ERROR: Program used external function 'putchard' whi…
esato updated
9 years ago
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 13661*
**component:** wxOSX (any toolkit) | **priority:** normal | **resolution:** fixed | **keywords:** OSX 10.7 wxDataView
#### 2011-11-13 01:17:59: rppass (Ralp…